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Workshop Details
- Date
- Time
- Place
- Tickets
- Event Link
- Hosted By
- Cost
- Saturday, 8 May 2021
- 10:00 to 18:30
- Wild Spirit Lodge, Natures Valley
- Contact Selah Joy to book
- Join event on Facebook
- Selah Joy & Jade Marty Frankel
- R850 Gathering
In celebration of Mother’s day, it is with an open and devoted heart that we welcome you to our women’s gathering embedded in the forest.
This women’s retreat holds space for the relationships that we cultivate between ourselves and our maternal lines. Directly embedded in our wombs, and reflected in our cycles, are the cellular memories of all the women who came before us. In this moment in time, what do they wish to communicate to us? How can we make ourselves available to listen with an open and compassionate heart?
Offerings will include visualisation meditations, red tent circles, taoist practises, embodied explorations, fire dancing and ceremony with cacao.
Email: embodiedknowingcollective@gmail.com for more information and bookings.
Accommodation is available if you would like to sleep over. Bookings and payment can be made directly with Wild Spirit through their website: www.wildspiritlodge.co.za
Facilitated by
Jade Marty Frankel @womens circles
Selah Joy @selahjoydances
In honor of all that makes us, as women, the great creatrix herself.
I AM here and I AM there and I AM everywhere